ISGNIE 2021 will be a hybrid event. Overseas participants can attend the symposium online.
ISGNIE 2021 will be a hybrid event. Overseas participants can attend the symposium online. Please click here to register for ISGNIE 2021.
To promote the highest quality patient-centered neurologic care and enhance member career satisfaction
ISGNIE 2021 will be a hybrid event. Overseas participants can attend the symposium online. Please click here to register for ISGNIE 2021.
Dear ISS Members, It is our great honor to hold The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Infantile Seizure Society and The International Symposium on Genetic Role of Neurometabolic Diseases with Infantile Epilepsy (ISGNIE 2021) in Taipei on October 22-24, 2021. Read more
The abstract submission deadline to August 20, which is the final extension. Never miss the submission.
ISGNIE 2021 is calling for abstract. The abstract submission deadline has been extended to August 20.
ISDEE2020 On-Demand is available.
ISS Officers, Committees page is now updated.
20th Annual Meeting Program and Abstracts is now updated.
Bylaws, ISS Officers page is now updated.